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Kategoria :
DAC/wzmacniacze słuchawkowe
Artykuł :
8 19955 25003 9
Kraj pochodzenia :
Stany Zjednoczone
Przeznaczenie :
Home office
Kolor :
Dark grey


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24-bitowy DAC USB klasy premium

Przetwornik cyfrowo-analogowy (DAC) Audioengine D1 pozwala pominąć liniowe i słuchawkowe wyjścia karty muzycznej komputera i wysłać dźwięk z odtwarzanych plików lub z wejścia optycznego bezpośrednio do specjalizowanego układu przetwarzającego dane cyfrowe na analogowe. D1 jest idealnym cyfrowym interfejsem, który poprawi brzmienie Twoje muzyki.


Jako źródło sygnału D1 akceptuje zarówno z komputery PC (Win/Mac) jak i urządzenia z cyfrowym wyjściem optycznym. Zadziała z praktycznie każdym systemem muzycznym. D1 DAC jest idealnym sposobem na uzyskanie wysokiej klasy brzmienia nie tylko przy odtwarzaniu muzyki z komputera, ale także przy podłączeniu telewizora, odtwarzacza multimedialnego, odtwarzacza DVD/Blu-ray czy CD. Dzięki zasilaniu przez USB jest także doskonałym, komputerowym wzmacniaczem słuchawkowym klasy premium.

Zaprojektowany dla komputerowych audiofilów

D1 przetwarza sygnały cyfrowe o jakości do 24bit/192kHz. Dzięki zastosowaniu wysokiej jakości komponentów, w tym przetwornika DAC charakteryzującego się bardzo wysokim odstępem sygnału od szumu i niskim poziomem zniekształceń harmonicznych, D1 zapewnia jakość dźwięku na poziomie dużo droższych urządzeń. Wyjście słuchawkowe o wysokiej kompatybilności zostało zaprojektowane do używania z szeroką gamą różnych słuchawek, co zadowoli nawet najbardziej wymagających miłośników słuchania muzyki w nausznikach.

Prosty w instalacji

Konfiguracja i instalacja D1 jest bardzo prosta. Nie jest wymagane żadne dodatkowe oprogramowanie, dzięki czemu D1 jest prawdziwym rozwiązaniem plug-and-play. Wyjścia D1 należy podłączyć do wejść systemu muzycznego lub głośników aktywnych (np. Audioengine A5 + lub HD6). Przy działaniu z komputerem PC zasilanie jest zapewnione przez złącze USB, zasilacz nie jest potrzebny.

Zobacz i usłysz różnice

W trakcie projektowania sprzętu inżynierowie Audioengine poświęcają dużo uwagi jakości dźwięku, nie pomijając przy tym wyglądu i estetyki, tak, aby prezentowane urządzenia stanowiły małe dzieła sztuki, zarówno pod względem muzycznym jak i wizualnym. Zaokrąglona obudowa D1 została wykonana z anodyzowanego aluminium. Najwyższa jakość połączona z przystępną ceną jest dewizą marki.
Audioengine D1 jest kolejnym elementem wypełniającym lukę na styku muzyki cyfrowej i domowego sprzętu hi-fi. Nawet jeśli nie jesteś audiofilem, gwarantujemy że usłyszysz różnicę i odkryjesz swoją muzykę na nowo!

Główne cechy

Przetwornik DAC w kompaktowej, eleganckiej obudowie.
DAC USB dla komputerów Mac i PC.
Plug-and-play - komputery nie wymagają dodatkowych sterowników.
Wejście optyczne z sygnałem do 24/192.
Wysokiej jakość układ wzmacniacza słuchawkowego.
Zasilany przez USB, bez konieczności stosowania dodatkowego zasilacza.
Bit-perfect HD audio na wyjściu, minimalny poziom jitter-a.
Wysokiej jakości, niskoszumowy układ DAC AK4396 z obsługą 24/192.

Możliwe konfiguracje

 -dowolny komputer (Mac/PC) jako źródło (USB)
 -apple TV, odtwarzacz multimedialny lub inne źródło z wyjściem optycznym
 -dowolne słuchawki
 -aktywne głośniki
 -dowolny system audio z wejściem RCA lub jack 3.5mm

Zawartość opakowania

Kabel USB 0.6m
Pokrowiec z mikrofibry
Instrukcja instalacji
Katalog produktów

Typ przetwornika DAC USB + SPDIF
Układy i przetworniki Przetwornik DAC: AKM AK4396
Kontroler USB: TI 1020B
Wzmacniacz słuchawkowy: TI OPA2134
Odbiornik SPDIF: CS8416
Wejścia USB audio
Cyfrowe optyczne SPDIF
Tryb transferu USB Asynchroniczny, dual clock
Interfejs USB Wersja 1.1 lub wyższa
Parametry sygnału wejściowego 16 i 24 bit
USB: 32-96kHz natywnie, 176 i 192kHz samplowane do 96kHz
SPDIF: 32-192kHz natywnie
Wyjścia Analog RCA L/R stereo
Analog 3.5mm mini-jack stereo (słuchawki)
Poziom sygnału wyjściowego 2.0V RMS
Impedancja wyjścia 2 ohms
Zalecana impedancja słuchawek 10 ohm - 10K ohm
Pasmo 10Hz-25KHz (+/- 0.5dB)
SNR >110dB (DC do 20 kHz)
THD+N (1kHz FS 96kS/s) <0.0025%
Crosstalk -85db
Zasilanie USB 5V DC, 200mA
Gniazdo USB (full-size)
Filtrowanie zasilania USB 2-stage redundant regulation
Parametry środowiskowe Zakres temperatur (praca): 0°C - 35°C 
Zakres temperatur (przechowywanie): -20°C do 45°C 
Wilgotność relatywna: 5% do 95% (bez kondensacji)
Wymiary 89 x 95 x 25.5 mm (SxGxW)
Opakowanie Waga: 0.5kg

Charakterystyka przetwornika DAC

W D1 zastosowany został układ AKM AK4396 DAC, powszechnie znany z wysokiej klasy parametrów i niskiego poziomu szumów. Zastosowanie dwustopniowego filtra w torze zasilania oraz przetwarzanie sygnału w rozdzielczości do 24 bitów pozwoliło na uzyskanie bardzo wysokiego wskaźnika SNR oraz bardzo niskich poziomów zniekształceń. D1 przetwarza cyfrowy strumień o maksymalnej rozdzielczości 24bit/192kHz.

Wzmacniacz słuchawkowy

Wzmacniacz słuchawkowy wbudowany w D1 bazuje na niskoszumowym układzie wzmacniacza TI OPA2134. Uniwersalne wyjście słuchawkowe zaprojektowano do pracy ze słuchawkami o szerokiej skali impedancji, tak aby zadowolić nawet najbardziej wymagających entuzjastów dźwięku nausznego.


D1 zasilany jest przez złącze USB. Przy pracy w trybie USB DAC jest zasilany bezpośrednio ze źródła (komputera PC). W torze zasilania zastosowano dwustopniowe filtrowanie i regulacje aby mieć pewność, że ewentualnie zakłócenia czy wahania dostarczanego napięcia nie wpłyną na jakość dźwięku.

Regulacja głośności

Kontrola poziomu wyjścia (głośności) odbywa się za pośrednictwem cyfrowo kontrolowanego potencjometru umieszczonego na froncie urządzenia.

Can I use the D1 with an Apple iPhone or iPad?

Yes! You will need an Apple USB camera adapter, and a self powered USB hub. We've tested this with the D-link DUB-H4 and DUB-H7, and it works well. Here's an example of how this would be connected:

iDevice w/ USB Camera Adapter --USB-> Powered hub --USB-> D1 --RCA/Mini-> Speakers/Headphones

I have the original Audioengine 5 (not the A5+), will the D1 / D2 DAC work with the inputs on that original model?

You can use Audioengine DACs with your original A5s, no problem. You would simply use a standard RCA cable and the RCA to mini-jack adapter that came with the A5 to connect the RCA output from the DAC in to one of the mini-jack inputs.

Where can I download drivers for the D1?

The D1 is a USB Plug-and-Play audio device. This means that the drivers it uses are developed and provided by the developer of your computers operating system. In the case of a Windows PC for example, these drivers are provided by Microsoft, and are a part of Windows.

How can the D1 external computer DAC improve my music?

The D1 is essentially a very high end external sound card. Its components and implementation of those components make it more capable than what might be built in to a computer, not to mention the benefit of moving those sensitive components external to the potentially noisy interior of your computer. All of this means the signal your speakers receive will be clearer, with a lower noise-floor, and with a more pronounced dynamic range over your internal sound card.

How easy is it to set up the D1?

Connect the included USB cable from your computer to the D1. If using a Mac, go to System Preferences/Sound, and select "Audioengine D1". If you're using a PC, no setting changes are needed as the computer will automatically find the USB driver. Now play music from iTunes or your favorite media player and that's it - setup really is that easy.

I'm hearing a crackling/popping sound when playing music. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this?

When issues do crop up in USB audio, this is a common symptom. The PDF linked below outlines the issue and potential causes as well as some common fixes.

Are the RCA connections on the rear of the D1 fixed or variable?

These RCA outputs are variable, adjusting the volume on the D1 will adjust the output of any speakers or amp connected to this output. This makes the D1 a handy way to control the volume of both your speakers AND headphones.

Is D1 USB input isochronous or asynchronous?

The D1 is asynchronous, which means it controls the data streams timing using it's own internal clock to minimize jitter.

How do I find out more information about DACs and computer audio?

There are some excellent online computer audio forums and a quick search will turn up everything you need to know about the best hardware and software and how to get started on any budget. Computer audio is quickly evolving so we suggest to check and make sure the information you find is up to date.

When I plug in headphones will the D1 RCA outputs be muted?

Yes, the output will mute and audio will only play through your headphones.

What is the best USB cable length to use with D1?

The maximum length USB cable you'll be able to use with good results will vary based on your computer's USB port, and the type of cable being used. Some USB ports perform better than others, so be sure to try them all. For the best results, we generally recommend a maximum length of around 3 ft (~1m) and a cable that's USB 2.0 or 3.0 certified - or built specifically with audio in mind.

Can I connect the D1 DAC to a USB hub?

Although D1 may work just fine when connected to most USB hubs, this is not recommended as the data rate may not be fast enough for higher-resolution music. We therefore suggest you select a high-speed USB bus all by itself and don't use a USB port on your keyboard, for example.

Will the D1 work with USB 1.1?

Yes, however, note that 24/96 HD digital audio pushes the limits of USB 1.1 speeds. Due to this it's highly recommended that you connect to a higher-speed USB 2.0 port.

How do I use the optical input of the D1?

Connect an optical cable and the D1 will sense that an optical input is present and give that input priority. If using D1 with optical outputs from your TV, DVD play, Apple TV, etc you will need an AC USB power adapter (sold separately) to power D1. When using the optical output from your computer, you may power D1 via the computer's USB power and therefore no external power supply is needed.

The D1 is connected to the optical output of my TV but I'm not getting any sound. What can I do?

In your TV menu verify that "PCM STEREO" is selected and "DOLBY DIGITAL" is off.

How do I make sure that the D1 DAC is set to 24-bit/96KHz audio?

If using a Mac, open the Audio MIDI Setup utility in Applications->Utilities, choose "Audioengine D1" under audio devices and check that the format is set to 96 and the bit depth is set to 24bit.

I'm having trouble using my D1 with Foobar in WASAPI and KS mode. What do I do?

In the Foobar control panel, under Preferences->Output, set the buffer length to minimum. A few customers have mentioned that WASAPI mode is more stable when used under WinAmp, so try that as well.

Is there an easier way for Mac users to get to System Preferences and the Audio MIDI Setup control panels?

A customer recommended an app called Soundsource - - which is an easy way to switch between audio input and outputs as well as to access System Preferences and the Audio MIDI control panels.

Will the D1 work with my low-impedance HiFiMAN HE-500 headphones?

The D1 includes a headphone amp based around the TI OPA2134 low noise opamp. This headphone amp is able to provide low-impedance, high-fidelity audio to a wide range of headphones and supports headphones with impedances 10 ohms and higher.

Is there a recommended "break-in period" for the D1?

Your D1 will sound great out of the box and will get better over time, however, it's best to play music for 40 to 50 hours first before doing any critical listening.

Why do I lose system volume control when using the D1 with my computer?

Optical and USB outputs are all digital, so both Windows and Mac OS X will disable the system volume control when they are in use. You can still control the volume directly in iTunes (or any media player), with the front panel volume control on the D1, or with the volume control on your audio system.

My D1 occasionally makes a clicking noise during playback. How can I avoid this?

Try removing all other USB devices temporarily, and try each USB port on your computer one at a time to see which one works best in your setup. USB audio needs quite a bit of bandwidth, so for best results ensure your D1 is on a "High-Speed" bus and not a "Full-Speed" bus.

What media player software and audio file formats are compatible with the D1 when using it with a computer?

When connected via USB with a computer, the D1 acts like a USB sound-card. Because of this, once it's set as your default playback device, it should work with any application on your computer playing audio, and with any file format the software supports.

Can I use the D1 with my Airport Express for even better sounding Airplay?

Absolutely! We've had a lot of really good feedback from our customers on this, and its really easy to add to an existing Airplay setup. You can connect your Airport Express into the D1s optical input using a mini-Toslink to Toslink cable to pass a digital signal to the D1. Like other setups without a computer you'll still need to connect the D1 to a USB connection for power - Either a USB AC adapter like we offer in our accessories, or a nearby USB port capable of delivering a minimum of 500mA. Please note that the USB port on the Airport express is intended only for lower powered or self powered devices (like a printer) and will not reliably power the D1.

D1 Troubleshooting Tips


  • Try restarting your computer and testing your D1 again to see if this helps.
  • Make sure the USB and audio cable connections to and from the D1 are complete and verify that these cables are in working order. We recommend using the USB cable included with your D1, however, if you are using another USB cable, make sure it is no longer than 3 ft (1 meter).
  • Remove all other USB devices temporarily from your computer to see how this affects the D1 playback. Audio over USB and bus powering a device can both be somewhat demanding. USB ports can share a bus internally and can also share their bus with devices internally as well.
  • Because of this some ports may not perform as well as others, so be sure to try each port one at a time.
  • It is important to note that the USB audio input will only work with a computer. If you are using your D1 with a different device the USB connection is only used for power.
  • When using the optical input on your D1 be sure your source (computer, TV, CD / DVD player, etc) is set to PCM Stereo output and not Dolby Digital, DTS, etc.
  • If you are using any wireless devices in line with your D1, please remove the wireless device from the application (temporarily) and connect the D1 directly to the source.
  • Test your D1 with a different computer/setup at a different location, maybe at a friend or relative's house. This would help to verify if there is something wrong with the D1 or something else in your setup that is causing this issue.


  • Try a NVRAM/PRAM reset. This resets the system configurations for some audio and video related settings and can many times help clear up problems related to audio. See the link below from Apple’s support page for information on how to do this.
  • Use different Bit Depths and Sample rates. On a Mac these settings are under Applications ­­> Utilities ­­> Audio MIDI Setup. Try using both 16 bit as well as 24 Bit.
  • Test a different media player (iTunes, Songbird, WinAmp, Cog, etc) and file types (MP3, ALAC, FLAC, etc). If your media library is located on an external drive or network attached storage, please try playing audio files located on your internal hard­drive.


  • Try letting windows reinstall the D1’s device driver. You can find instructions from Microsoft on how to reinstall a plug and play device like the D1 for Windows in the link below.
  • Use different Bit Depths and Sample rates. In Windows 7 you can get to these settings by right clicking on your volume icon in the system tray and selecting "playback devices", then double click the "Speakers ­ Audioengine D1" dialog, now you'll find these under theadvanced tab of the "Speakers Properties" window. Try using both 16 bit as well as 24 Bit on a variety of sample rates to see how this affects your audio playback.
  • Test a different media player (Windows Media player, Foobar2000, iTunes, WinAmp, etc) and file types (MP3, ALAC, FLAC, etc). If your media library is located on an external drive or network attached storage, please try playing audio files located on your internal hard­drive.
  • Sometimes other devices in your system including built in devices don't play nice with audio over USB. For more advanced users running the linked application may help to diagnose what components or drivers may be causing problems.


Headfonia - D1 Review

"The D1 is pretty damn awesome. It’s got the same basic performance of a D3 plus way better connection options, not to mention a volume pot…” 
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Home Theater Shack - D1 Review

"The D1 is a terrific sounding DAC, period." 
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Small Spaces Audio - D1 Review

"For under under $170 dollars the D1 is an excellent first DAC, especially for headphone users."
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MyMac - D1 Review

“(D1) audio is crisp, immersive, and full-spectrum, beyond any prior sonic experience MyMac has evaluated."
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In the Boombox - D1 Review

“...the sound quality is outstanding, bringing out virtually every nuance in Hi-Res tracks, even improving on MP3′s."
Visit Website View PDF - D1 Review

"I can't believe I wasn't using a DAC before. If you have a nice computer and care about audio, you need this product."
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truly gadgets - D1 Review

"With sleek looks and a polished form factor, it sits nicely on a desk and offers enough oomph to drive even power-hungry headphones."
Visit Website View PDF - D1 Review

"If there is anything that an engineer appreciates, it is good, quality execution and the Audioengine’s D1 DAC has it in spades.”
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WIRED - D1 Review

"Sweeter than the sound is the price -- only $170. That's peanuts for a DAC/amp combo of this quality. The compact, attractive design is just gravy." 
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Gizmodo - D1 Review

"For $170, you get the performance and features of a more expensive piece of equipment." 
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Custom PC Review - D1 Review

"Those looking for a portable DAC + amp combo will find the Audioengine D1 an excellent performer with tons of connectivity at a reasonable price." 
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CNET - D1 review

"The new D1 is the perfect music "interface" between your computer and speakers or headphones."
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Everything USB - D1 Review

"Portable audio perfection?"
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AudioStream - D1 Review

"I would recommend feeding it anything and everything your music library has to offer."
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Playback - D1 Review

"More Than A DAC, It's a Desktop Audio "Starter Kit"".
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Affordable Audio - D1 Review

"From the solid feel to the smooth edges along with the most important aspect, the sound output, the D1 is another winner from Audioengine."
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Audioholics - D1 Review

"The D1 is one upgrade you're going to be able to immediately hear and appreciate."
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Connect Reviews - D1 Review

"The Audioengine D1 will put you on the road toward becoming more appreciative of your music or any sound coming from your computer."
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What Hi-Fi - D1 Review

"The D1 is happy driving a wide range of headphones."
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Hardforum - D1 Review

"If you are looking for a DAC/AMP solution that is portable , bus powered and sounds phenomenal than this is it."
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The Gadgeteer - D1 Review

"The D1 is an addictive audio upgrade."
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MacDirectory - D1 / A5+ Review

"I have to rate the D1 and A5+ as excellent values, particularly when compared to world-class brands like Bowers & Wilkins and Bang & Olufsen." 
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2016.10.10 17:43

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