Audionet"W przeciwieństwie do niemal każdej innej firmy na tej planecie, poszukującej idealnego tonu, naszych poszukiwań nie prowadzą inżynierowie. Ani specjaliści od marketingu. Ani wspólne fundusze. Audionet jest dziełem naukowców. Które ze wszystkich możliwych miejsc pierwszy raz pojawiło się w garażu. Tyle, że był to podziemny parking słynnego niemieckiego Uniwersytety w Bochum. To tam zdecydowano się zaatakować wszystkie pytania dotyczące high-endowego odtwarzania muzyki na najniższym możliwym poziomie. Aby przekonać się, co ostrze nauki może wyciąć, jeśli chodzi o cud słuchania. Ci sami naukowcy nadal, po 20 latach, prowadzą tę firmę. PLANCK The Quantum Leap PLANCK is Audionet’s final statement re. the classical compact disc. No other machine on the market plays with such utmost precision, formidable ease and deep-rooted musicality. PLANCK even surpasses our worldwide successes VIP and ART. The body construction completely made of non-ferromagnetic materials combined with a massive slate board optimizes the resonance characteristics of PLANCK. The new design with non-visible fixation screws and with a massive and solid aluminium cover pleases both eyes and ears alike. Converting from digital to analog, newly developed discrete output modules with extremely fast, wide-band high-performance class A output drivers ensure the perfect sonic experience. The current-voltage converter comprises absolutely temperature stable and sonically neutral high-precision resistors.
Our high-precision clock generator eliminates the infamous jitter: PLANCK gets all music data at the right time and with its correct value. And the internal frequency compensation equipped with custom made mica capacitors of highest grade guarantees absolute precision in the analog domain. Also, we gave the digital input section a completely new design. PLANCK uses the same outstanding USB Audio 2.0 technology as Audionet’s famous DNx machines: USB Audio 2.0 support up to 192 kHz / 24 bits.
For all of you aficionados who waited for this to happen: here’s the third generation of Audionet’s famed high performance CD player. The new ART G3 (Generation 3) is nothing less than Audionet’s final statement on the perfect transmogrification of the classical compact disc. At the same time, it also represents a thoroughbred high-end D/A converter. Its marvelous sound capabilities can thus be used for all your digital systems, especially computers, via optical and electrical digital inputs. The new ART G3 redefines the hitherto undreamt-of potential of CDs to produce a really involving and fascinating listening experience. It literally conquers unexplored sound dimensions, transforming your music into an unprecedented, wholly satisfying experience for the senses. The very best hifi critics have “built a virtual pedestal for this top-notch instrument in (their) editorial office”, as have our very own scientists for their own use at home. Our development team has re-engineered both the housing and circuitry, subjecting every detail of the machine to stringent checks. The new ART G3 combines an innovative construction and circuitry with the insights gained from the development of the new Audionet pre- and power amplifier generation. Our 20 years of experience at the forefront of audiophile science bring you an authentic reproduction so good almost nobody would actually suppose a cd as the source. For critical praise and acclaim, please refer to the Reference section further down on this page.
Audionet’s new DNP (Digital Network Preamplifier) offers a new standard in combining world class tone, dynamics and reference class sound staging with access to a multitude of digital formats, turning digital music data into a captivating listening experiences. The Audionet DNP is a high potential preamplifier that competes favorably with the world’s best, including our own, all analog Audionet PRE G2. The Audionet DNP is capable of handling both coarse and fine dynamic with outstanding musical exactness and finesse while paying special attention to imaging as well as room correction. In combination with Audionet’s new reference external power supply, the EPX, the DNP reaches new levels of performance, featuring the usual Audionet qualities of presenting music as realistic as possible and free from grain, distortion or coloration, while offering also rarely found level of convenience and customization in integrating signals from computers, servers, HDD, USB sticks and streaming from the internet. The Audionet DNP is the first preamplifier which can be fully integrated into a network and controlled completely by Windows, Linux or Mac computers. Users worldwide noticed the outstanding ease of use, making programming the DNP a breeze. Our in-house developed software RCP (Audionet RCP – Audionet Remote Control Point) allows the user to organize complex functions and settings effortlessly through a GUI (graphic user interface). Additionally intuitive and powerful apps are available, which interfaces with all tablet PCs and smart phones, including all members of the Android and iOS operating systems (Audionet aMM – Audionet Music Manager for Android, Audionet iMM – Audionet Music Manager for iOS). The RS-232 interface allows in addition for professional integration into home automation systems. At long last it can also be controlled in the classic way with the Audionet System Remote Control. The Audionet DNP offers a wealth of features. It receives internet and FM radio as well as podcasts, streams music from TIDAL, Qobuz and Deezer, has a USB audio and a digital USB-A interface, can be upgraded with a high-class phono preamp, may be integrated into any home cinema due to its bypass mode and has an excellent onboard A/D converter which can be used for the high-class digitalisation of all analogue sound sources. The inputs can be named freely and different input levels matched. Connected via Audionet Link, other Audionet devices can also benefit from a remote turn-on. A trigger output can be used to control active speakers. And it has even an automatic mains phase recognition. Maximal connectivity is provided by thirteen (13!) digital inputs, and five analogue inputs; digital ports include WLAN, LAN, USB Audio, and S/PDIF, electrical and optical. In analogue, the DNP features five stereo inputs, four coaxial, and one balanced. In total, the Audionet DNP is capable of powering up to two subwoofers and six power amplifiers. Optionally, the DNP can be extended with our high-quality phono preamplifier board. Audionets DNP is compatible with the external precision mains adaptor EPX. Please note: the external precision mains adaptor EPS G2 is not suitable for the DNP, please use the EPX instead!
DNA I Merging of the Digital and Analogue World The Audionet DNA I combines extraordinary performance and peerless sound quality with compact dimensions. With its universal interface to access your digitally stored music, it’s an audiophile powerhouse for bits and bytes. The Audionet DNA I changes all kinds of binary music data into an exhilarating and intoxicating listening event. The sound is rock-solid and powerful, comprehensive and rich in contour, natural and finessed. It turns bits and bytes to a tremendous and vigorous experience for the senses.
The Audionet DNA is able to be fully integrated into a network and operated entirely by a PC or Mac. Our in-house developed software RCP allows the user to organize complex functions and settings effortlessly through a GUI (graphic user interface).The RS-232 interface allows in addition for professional integration into home automation systems. At long last it can also be controlled in the classic way with the Audionet System Remote Control. The DNA I is capable of receiving its data from the Internet radio and podcasts, streams music from TIDAL, Qobuz and Deezer, USB Audio interfaces, HDD, USB-sticks/drives, analogue sources and can be fitted with a first-class phono preamp. The DNA’s optical link output allows for remote switching of other Audionet components, and it offers a network phase detector.
The Audionet DNA I offers universal connectivity. For digital signals we have provided 5 digital inputs altogether, from WLAN, LAN to USB and USB Audio to electrical and optical S/PDIF. For the analogue signals it offers 3 pairs of gold-plated RCA inputs.
DNC The Interface that Excels The creation of the DNC (Digital Network Client) began with a single aim: to build the best sounding and most versatile network client and digital/analogue converter possible, capable of interacting with all current music reproduction sources. R&D was allowed to operate with uncompromising rigor and dedication at all phases, leading to the DNC’s astonishing, powerful performance, innovative analogue signal processing and circuit design. It is a truly universal interface for digital music. Reading from computers, servers, HDD, USB sticks and streaming from the internet – via cable or wireless – the Audionet DNC will turn any digital music data into a captivating musical experience. Audionet’s DNC, considered a premium choice among elite network clients, allows an ease of use that is uncommon in the high-end audio world. With intuitive and powerful apps, it interfaces with all tablet PCs and smart phones, including all members of the Android and iOS operating systems. The Audionet DNC is the first network client and Digital to Analog converter able to be fully integrated into a network and operated entirely by a PC or Mac. Our in-house developed software RCP (Audionet Remote Control Point) allows the user to organize complex functions and settings effortlessly through a GUI (graphic user interface).The RS-232 interface allows in addition for professional integration into home automation systems. At long last it can also be controlled in the classic way with the Audionet RC2 Remote Control. The Audionet DNC’s unique functions provide for a cutting-edge music experience. Our engineering team has refined our digital filter technology and integrated it into the Audionet DNC. It is the first network client and Digital/Analogue converter with such powerful delay and EQ management. Such precision allows for first time syncronised balance setting and effective correction for room acoustics and tonal disturbances. Each speaker ensemble can be adapted to it’s listening environment. Joined with Audionet’s analysis and correction software, CARMA, the spatial data is captured, analyzed for perfect correction, and automatically transferred to the DNC. Professional room acoustics, all the time.
The Audionet DNC is fully equipped. It can receive internet and FM radio as well as podcasts, streams music from TIDAL, Qobuz and Deezer, offers an USB 2.0 (USB Audio) and a digital USB-A interface. Each input is independently namable and can have input levels matched. The DNC features an optical Audionet input and output for remote switching between components, and utilizes a network phase monitor. The DNC is capable of using an external power supply (Audionet EPS G2 or EPX), for clean power. The Audionet DNC offers universal digital connectivity. Nine digital inputs, including WLAN, LAN, USB, S/PDIF, electrical and optical make any network interface possible. A pair of gold-plated RCA and XLR outputs cover all analogue applications.
Even more subtle. Even more transparent. With an even bigger soundstage and a force beyond equal. WATT makes another quantum leap from the celebrated performance of our audiophile amplifier SAM onto another level. Whoever wants the ultimate in a single machine – WATT’s your choice. From this day on.
SAM 20 SE Play it again, Sam Celebrating Audionet’s legendary integrated amp’s 20 years anniversary we present the best SAM ever: the strictly limited SPECIAL EDITION SAM 20 SE (20th Anniversary). A milestone in German amplifier construction:
SAM G2 One for all Since 1997, the predecessor model, the multi-award-winning SAM was held by those in the know as a true exception amongst audiophile integrated amplifiers. To improve the already good, we have now bundled all the insights and experience gained from over 10 years of audiophile development work in the new High Performance SAM G2. Everything came under scrutiny, from the concept to the last detail. Words can hardly convey what the new SAM G2 is capable of achieving. With a spacious yet subtle sound, it plays transparently and spatially, sleekly and most powerfully. Reproducing every single note naturally and effortlessly. The new SAM G2 is even more committed and passionate than its predecessor. Indeed, its richness of information and tone, power and authority as well as its musical coherence has audiophile critics clapping their writing hands everywhere on the globe.
The new SAM G2 combines excellent performance and unmatchable sound properties with exceptionally compact dimensions. Such quality is scarce on the market, making our device ideally suited for domestic use and tonally convincing musical reproduction. The SAM G2 masters all the tasks set to it with dedication, captivating its listeners with breathtaking authenticity. Its sound is characterized by speed, purpose and honesty, yet at the same time is full of charm, finesse and the utmost care to detail. With its catching enthusiasm, this lively device produces a surprisingly realistic sound experience.
The nuclear option Designed by German design legend Hartmut Esslinger of Cupertino fame, our new über-performance preamp STERN combines Audionet’s unique electronics, stratosphere version, with a design quality that has not been seen in the realms of highenddom before.
The patented FLOATING PANE DESIGN encorporates the ultimate audiophile qualities. One amp to rule them all – STERN rises high above anything, anywhere – even our serial show winner PRE G2 (2015 “best sound” at RMAF, AXPONA, T.H.E.SHOW and HIGHEND).
PRE G2 Revolutionary resolution You would be hard pressed to find a more competent preamplifier anyplace on this planet. This pretty much sums up the PRE G2 in a nutshell. As for what it is capable to do to and with music – words fail us. But fortunately not the knowing members of the press. There are not that many things in this world you could justly qualify as being the optimum of their respective category. The epitome of what human beings can achieve with maximal effort at a given moment in time and space. To listen to or even own something falling in this category ranks among the more memorable experiences we can have on this earth. One can very well exist outside of the reality distortion field these things project. But there are many people who – once they had an epiphany like this – understandably prefer not to. No compromise whatsoever The PRE G2, our uber-reference preamplifier, is simply the richest source of pure sound imaginable. With maximum resolution and total freedom from coloration, rough- and fine-dynamical precision and stunning spatial accentuation, the PRE G2 reproduces music in all its natural texture and abundance. Compromise is a concept foreign to the PRE G2. Benefitting from the fruits of our cutting-edge research and development, the Audionet engineers devised and tested every detail with painstaking accuracy. The circuitry concept is state-of-the-art, the standard of assembly is flawless, and every component was selected meticulously. As nothing else satisfies our requirements, we manufacture our own operation amplifiers, pulse transmitters and signal cables for the PRE G2.
The Volume is regulated with an electronic precision resistance network that linearizes in real time. Signal-carrying and controlling functions are optically separated. Input and output circuits are immune to negative influences from connected equipment. Thus the PRE G2 has re-defined the bounds of the possible. Noise, distortion and crosstalk are practically eliminated. All information is presented on a large display, every function is remotely controllable. PRE G2, the definitive answer to the pre-amplifier question. Or, to say it in the words of Lukretius: Man can understand the nature of things.
PRE I G3 A Wide Grin at the Touch of a Button The Audionet PRE I G3 combines opulent equipment with a brilliant sound. It is difficult to describe the sound it produces: spacious yet subtle, transparent and sleek, powerful and unshakeable. The PRE I G3 plays music in all its facets naturally and effortlessly. The technically unique complex circuitry is radically realized. Distortion and noise are almost non-detectable across the entire frequency and dynamic range. With a modern assembly, shortest signal paths and a capacitively and inductively optimized construction provide optimal high-frequency characteristics. Volume and balance adjustment is performed using a unique, electronically switched precision resistance network which is realized in real time, ensuring a constant dynamic and distortion-free operation across the entire control range.
We use only selected high-quality components such as the fast discrete voltage regulator with a low-noise gallium arsenide precision voltage references, high audio-grade electrolyte capacitors with a silk dielectric and selected high-current film capacitors with the lowest possible loss angle and gold-plated silver internal cabling. The unit is controlled using a high-performance microcontroller with separate power supply. It enables operator-friendly access of comprehensive functions. A large display shows all the operating states and settings.
PAM G2 Making Vinyl Fly With the unique circuit, function and operating concept of the new PAM G2, Audionet has once again made a seminal technological advance. The new PAM G2 is an absolutely consistent High Performance system; the first phono pre-amplifier in the world to which not only two record players / pick-ups can be connected, but which includes an external, precision mains adaptor for a precise and ultra-stable current supply and a controller allowing the remote-control of all functions and the display of all settings on a large display. For the first time ever, we have enabled the remote selection of inputs; each input can be controlled and modified separately for amplification, input resistance and capacity, even during operation. With its uncompromising demands for the best sound, engineering, flexibility and ease of operation, the new PAM G2 represents the first choice for all true connoisseurs. The new PAM G2 plays records with a striking degree of informational diversity, revealing even the smallest of nuances with full emotion, convincing with its exquisite naturality and faithfulness to detail. The reproduction of fundamental low produces a deep-reaching sound and an authentic rhythm. The PAM G2 generates an astonishingly wide tonal range, producing a superbly sophisticated musical experience with the greatest degree of reality in which music is not played, but brought to life.
With settings for capacity, input resistance and variable amplification, the PAM G2 can be adapted to all high-end pick-ups. Its gilded parallel connections produce exceptional connectivity values. Operation with a precision external mains adapter EPS G2, EPX or controller EPC means the sound production of the PAM G2 can be extended even further.
HEISENBERG Say My Name Designed by German design legend Hartmut Esslinger of Cupertino fame, our new über-performance power amp HEISENBERG combines Audionet’s unique electronics, stratosphere version, with a design quality that has not been seen in the realms of highenddom before. One amp to rule them all – HEISENBERG rises high above anything, anywhere – even our serial show winners ART and VIP (2015 “best sound” at RMAF, AXPONA, T.H.E.SHOW and HIGHEND).
MAX Maximum Movens The at the same time diminutive and unsurpassable name of our majestic power amp reference reference MAX doesn’t just refer to the physical size of these gigantic mono block(s). But rather merrily evokes the ultimate high performance capabilities nature and our scientists – not exactly in this order – have endowed it with. Resting on one’s laurels is a) not truly comfortable and b) not really satisfying, scientifically speaking. Actually, we do much prefer to push the boundaries of the possible again and again in order to reach better and better results with each and every attempt and generation. It’s probably genetic. The Mendel thing. A birth defect German scientists are often born with. Our Ultimate Statement Amplifier The MAX always plays with a both fascinating and formidable ease, stunningly elemental, tonal accuracy and with striking macro- and micro-dynamical precision. Imposing performance goes hand in hand with compelling authority, awesome musicality and technical specifications almost no-one on this planet gets close to. Our refined amplifier-technology results in a linearity and loudspeaker control not to be found in any other piece of equipment anywhere. Distortion is kept to such a low level that it’s almost undetectable even with the most sophisticated laboratory-equipment. In a nutshell: No other amplifier has better loudspeaker control. Plus, the MAX performs so well, that it is very difficult to imagine a situation which it would not master. All this at your fingertips. And with a comprehensive user interface informing you about all going-ons on a wide format display.
AMP Blockbusters for Demanding Listeners The new Audionet AMP high performance power amplifiers are true mono-blocks that combine remarkable sound potential with high-end technical possibilities. A pair of blockbusters for real connoisseurs.
Air plays a key role in regard to our AMP mono-blocks. For one thing, the pair needs some air around them in order to permit the diffusion of the heat either block generates. And for another, air is part of the sound experience they offer: every fragment of a beat, every acoustic detail is offered to the listener in transparent spatiality, as if encapsulated in the purest air. Weighing in at 22 kilograms, the two mono outputs deliver a maximum of airiness and vivid rendition, and may well bring tears of joy to the eyes of more sensitive listeners. The AMPs play with fascinating ease, impressing us with acoustic permeability, tonal accuracy and striking macro- and micro-dynamical precision. The musical reproduction is transparent, airy and colourful, but remains agreeably relaxed at the same time.
AMP I V2 28 Kilograms of Passion The AMP I V2 represents an exemplary combination of pioneering Audionet technology with the company’s typically detail-obsessed scientific application and experience-based knowledge. The sonic culture of the AMP I V2 is characterized by emotionality, sincerity and completeness. Performing quickly and with extremely fine resolution, it dazzles with its richness of detail. At the same time, the delivery is relaxed, devoid of the least hint of harshness or rigidity. Dynamic leaps are imparted with the necessary impact, without being merely loud. The bass is resolute and richly contoured. All this amounts to strikingly realistic holographic quality. And as a machine, the new Audionet discreetly stays in the background and creates a space within which the effect of the music can unfold – in all its artistry and emotionality.
AMPERE SCIENTIST SERIES – ULTRA MACHINE AMPERE What's the scientific progress in external power supply? Ask AMPERE. Providing you with hitherto unheard-of stability, calmness, spatiality and tonal pureness. AMPERE is what will make the decisive difference with regard to the performance of all your devices in the future.
EPX Energize Your Gear The EPX is Audionet’s scientifically proven answer to very serious music lovers desperately wanting to enhance the performance of their already existing devices with a High Performance upgrade. Why does an external power supply represent such an improvement? The properties of active circuits are highly dependent on their supply voltages. Devices designed for the reproduction of music are very sensitive to any kind of external supply variations. As a voltage source, the EPX offers extremely precise and load-independent supply voltages. With these properties, EPX comes close to an ideal voltage source without accepting the disadvantages of accumulators. The EPX achieves effective decoupling of all harmful influences from the public power supply system. The EPX is fed by a constant, low-noise source usually only used in laboratory environments. This precise constant voltage supply will really make the decisive difference to the performance of your devices.
EPS G2 Upgrading any Device The EPS G2 represents a serious scientific breakthrough for music lovers who want to vastly enhance the performance of their already existing devices. The EPS G2 produces clearly audible improvement in terms of stability, calmness, spatiality and tonal pureness. Music is reproduced with greater naturalness, clearer expression and in a brighter quality. Its straight design visually fits in every configuration. Why does an external power supply represent such an improvement? The properties of active circuits are highly dependent on their supply voltages. Devices designed for the reproduction of music are very sensitive to any kind of external supply variations. As a voltage source, the EPS G2 offers extremely precise and load-independent supply voltages. With these properties, EPS G2 comes close to an ideal voltage source without accepting the disadvantages of accumulators. The EPS G2 achieves effective decoupling of all harmful influences from the public power supply system. The EPS G2 is fed by a constant, low-noise source usually used in laboratory environments. This precise constant voltage supply will really make the decisive difference to the performance of your devices.
EPC External Mains Controller for PAM G2 The operation of our phono premaplifier PAM G2 with the precision external mains controller EPC means extending PAM to the ultimate possible sound production of vinyl. The EPC is designed for exclusive use with the PAM G2, making the phono preamp remote controllable. |