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Głośniki regałowe aktywne
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8 19955 23002 4
Kraj pochodzenia :
Stany Zjednoczone
Przeznaczenie :
Home office
Kolor :
Hi-Gloss White


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Audioengine A5+ - głośniki aktywne klasy premium

Audioengine A5+ jest stereofonicznym zestawem wysokiej klasy głośników aktywnych oferujących bardzo atrakcyjne, wręcz wzorcowe brzmienie w swojej kategorii cenowej. Sprzęt został zaprojektowany do szybkiej instalacji w dowolnym pomieszczeniu i do odtwarzania wysokiej jakości muzyki z urządzeń mobilnych, komputera PC, telewizora lub innego źródła.

Tradycyjnie wysoka jakość dźwięku

Jednym z głównych celów Audioengine jest dostarczanie jak najwyższej klasy brzmienia przy zachowaniu rozsądnej ceny i dużej uniwersalności oferowanych rozwiązań. Poprzednik, model Audioengine 5 był się bestsellerem i zdobywcą wielu prestiżowych nagród i wyróżnień prasowych. Następca ma wszelkie zadatki aby powtórzyć ten sukces. Konstrukcja głośnika A5+ została nieco ulepszona i dodanych zostało kilka nowych, zgłaszanych przez użytkowników funkcji.

Duża wszechstronność

Własnej konstrukcji kevlarowe głośniki średnio-nisko tonowe, jedwabne kopułki, ręczne wykonane i precyzyjne strojone obudowy. Do tego pilot, dwa wejścia audio, wyjście audio pozwalające podłączyć np. subwoofer. Duży radiator zapewnia optymalne warunki pracy sekcji wzmacniacza, a złącze USB zasili i naładuje urządzenia mobilne. Podłącz Audioengine A5+ do gniazda słuchawkowego komputera lub, jeszcze lepiej, do przetwornika DAC USB, a usłyszysz co potrafi ten zestaw. Głośniki zadziałają z każdym urządzeniem posiadającym liniowe wyjście audio lub wyjście słuchawkowe, a także z komputerem i to bez konieczności instalowania dodatkowego oprogramowania lub zmiany konfiguracji.

Prosta instalacja

Zintegrowanie głośników ze wzmacniaczem eliminuje konieczność instalacji i podłączania zewnętrznego wzmacniacza, pozwala też zaoszczędzić sporo miejsca. Lewy głośnik podłączamy do gniazdka sieciowego, a prawy głośnik łączymy z lewym dołączonym do zestawu kablem. Wszystkie wewnętrzne elementy systemu zostały ze sobą precyzyjnie zestrojone, tak aby zapewnić doskonały dźwięk bez konieczności dopasowywania do siebie wzmacniaczy i klasycznych głośników. Użyte przetworniki oraz doskonała separacja sekcji lewego i prawego kanału pozwalaja na odtworzenie pełnowymiarowej sceny muzycznej, pokazując wyraźną przewagę A5+ nad konkurencyjnymi aktywnymi systemami dźwięku all-in-one.

Mały głośnik, duży bas

Masz dość dudniących super-hiper-monster-mega basów szeroko oferowanych przez różne aktywne konstrukcje głośników? Podobnie jak w przypadku pierwowzoru, modelu A5, model A5 + oferuje PRAWDZIWY bas, odtwarzany tak aby zapewnić możliwe maksymalną wierność i zgodność z oryginalnym nagraniem. Niezależnie od tego czy słuchasz rapu, rocka, muzyki klasycznej czy oglądasz filmy, usłyszysz zwarte, szybkie i mocne basy, pełne energii, niezależnie od ustawionego poziomu głośności.

Usłysz różnicę

Atrakcyjne wzornictwo i wysoka jakość wykonania to standard dla urządzeń Audioengine. Stosujemy najwyższej jakości komponenty i stale dążymy do zapewnienia maksymalnej wierności dźwięku, utrzymując przy tym przystępne ceny. Audioengine A5+ jest kolejnym elementem wypełniającym lukę na styku muzyki cyfrowej i domowego sprzętu hi-fi. Nawet jeśli nie jesteś audiofilem, gwarantujemy że usłyszysz różnicę i twoja muzyka będzie brzmieć naprawdę nieźle!

Główne cechy

Wbudowana para wzmacniaczy (monobloków) klasy A/B
Pilot zdalnego sterowania
Pokrętło głośności na froncie lewego głośnika
Podwójne wejście audio: RCA stereo oraz mini-jack 3.5mm
Regulowane, pełnozakresowe wyjście audio (RCA)
Złącze USB do zasilania dodatkowych urządzeń
Pozłacane złącza przyłączeniowe
Kevlarowe przetworniki średnio-nisko tonowe o średnicy 5".
Jedwabna kopułka wysokotonowa 3/4" z magnesem neodymowym i chłodzoną cewką.
Ręcznie wykonana, precyzyjnue strojona obudowa z portem bass-reflext z tyłu
Magnetycznie ekranowane głośniki
Zasilacz wewnętrzny z transformatorem toroidalnym
Otwór montażowy z gwintem 1/4" w podstawie
Komplet kabli w zestawie

Możliwe konfiguracje

Komputer PC lub MAC.
Urządzenia mobilne: smartfony i tablety ze złączem słuchawkowym mini-jack
Dowolne sprzęt muzyczny z analogowym wyjściem audio RCA lub mini-jack 3.5mm.
Przewodowe i bezprzewodowe przetworniki DAC Audioengine

Wykończenie obudowy

Czarne matowe (satin), MDF 13mm, lakier
Inne opcje:
Białe połysk (hi-gloss), MDF 13mm, lakier
Lite, karbonizowane drewno bambusowe 13mm

Zawartość opakowania

Głośnik aktywny A5+ (lewy)
Głośnik pasywny A5+ (prawy)
Pilot zdalnego sterowania
Kabel głośnikowy 3.75m (16AWG)
Kabel zasilający
Kabel audio 3.5mm mini-jack, 2m
Kabel audio RCA stereo, 2m
2 pokrowce z mikrofibry na głośniki
Pokrowiec z mikrofibry na kable
Instrukcja instalacji
Katalog produktów

Typ Podstawkowe, aktywne głośniki stereo
Typ wzmacniacza Podwójny (stereo), klasa AB, monolityczny
Moc wyjściowa 150W mocy całkowitej (2x75), 2x50W RMS, AES
Głośniki średnio-niskotonowy: 5" Kevlar
wysokotonowy: jedwabna kopułka 3/4", magnes neodymowy, chłodzona cewka
Wejścia Pojedyncze wejście analogowe z podwójnym przyłączem:
3.5mm stereo jack, RCA L/R
impedancja 10Kohms (niezbalansowane)
Wyjścia RCA L/R (analogowe, regulowane)
Złącze USB Tylko zasilanie, 5V, 500mA
Pasmo 50Hz-22kHz (±1.5dB)
SNR >95db (typical A-weighted)
THD+N <0.05% (niezależnie od napięcia zasilania)
Crosstalk -50dB
Zasilanie 110-240V AC, 50/60Hz (ręczne przełączanie)
Tryb oszczędzania energii (uśpienia)
Pobór: oczekiwanie: 10W, wyciszenie: 6W, uśpienie: 4W
Pilot zdalnego sterowania Komunikacja: IR
Funkcje: regulacja głośności, mute, on/off
Systemy zabezpieczeń Kontrola prądu wyjściowego, zabezpieczenie termiczne, zabezpieczenie układów przy włączaniu i wyłączaniu zasilania, wymienny bezpiecznik
Parametry środowiskowe Zakres temperatur (praca): 0°C - 40°C 
Zakres temperatur (przechowywanie): -20°C do 46°C 
Wilgotność relatywna: 5% do 95% (bez kondensacji)
Waga i wymiary Głosnik lewy (zasilany)
 273 x 178 x 229 mm (WxSxG), waga: 7kg
Głosnik prawy (pasywny)
 273 x 178 x 200 mm (WxSxG), waga: 4,4kg
Opakowanie 380 x 560 x 290 mm
Waga: 14kg

Dedykowane komponenty

Bazując na swoim wieloletnim doświadczeniu i praktyce, Audioengine samodzielnie projektuje najbardziej krytyczne elementy swoich głośników - przetworniki, zwrotnice i obudowy. Dzięki temu nie musi dostosowywać się do gotowych komponentów dostępnych na rynku i może swobodnie kształtować jakość i brzmienie swoich produktów. To, co nie jest produkowane bezpośrednio we własnych zakładach (np. transformatory, magnesy czy okablowanie) jest wykonywane na zamówienie przez zaufanych kooperantów. Obudowy, głośniki, porty bass-reflex, wzmacniacze czy zwrotnice są starannie projektowane i dostrajane indywidualnie dla każdego modelu.


W swoich konstrukcjach Audioengine stosuje audiofilskiej jakości jedwabne kopułki wysokotonowe z chłodzoną cewką, napędzane neodymowymi magnesami. Zastosowane rozwiązania pozwalają na liniową pracę kopułek także przy wysokich mocach wejściowych. Kevlarowe membrany głośników średnio-nisko tonowych zostały wzmocnione szklanym kompozytem aramidowym i zakończone gumowym łącznikiem o wysokiej elastyczności i trwałości. Dzięki swojej wytrzymałości kevlar zapewnia utrzymanie niezmiennego kształtu membran przy dużych amplitudach i wysokim poziomie sygnału. Materiały użyte przy konstrukcji głośników są na tyle mocne i trwałe, że można swobodnie korzystać ze sprzętu bez maskownicy ochronnej. Nasze głośniki będą grać i wyglądać świetnie także po wielu latach użytkowania.

Konstrukcja wzmacniacza

Podwójny wzmacniacz mocy ulokowany został w lewym głośniku. Jest precyzyjnie zaprojektowanym podwójnym analogowym monoblokiem klasy A/B. Połączenie głośnika ze wzmacniaczem jest bardzo tradycyjnym i wręcz naturalnym podejściem, które zapewnia możliwie najkrótszą ścieżkę wzmocnionego sygnału, przekłada się dużą energooszczędność, doskonałą jakość dźwięku i łatwość instalacji. Wszystkie obwody w sekcjach mocy i przedwzmacniacza montowane w sposób zapewniający maksymalną ochronę przed wstrząsami mechanicznymi.

Transformatory mocy

Transformatory mocy są niezwykle ważnym elementem wpływającym na ostateczną jakość dźwięku. Audioengine używa transformatorów toroidalnych z zapętlonym rdzeniem, które generują mocne pola magnetyczne przy niskim poziomie szumów. Transformatory takie są też lżejsze od standardowych konstrukcji i generują mniej ciepła.

Ekranowanie magnetyczne

Przetworniki wysokotonowe oraz średnio-nisko tonowe posiadają ekranowanie magnetyczne, co pozwala na ich stosowanie w bezpośredniej bliskości komputerów, monitorów i ekranów TV. Ekranowanie zapewnia dodatkową ochronę w przypadku korzystania z nośników magnetycznych (np. dysków twardych) w bliskiej odległości od głośników.

Złącze zasilania USB

Lewy głośnik Audioengine A5+ wyposażono w standardowe złącze USB (5V, 500mA), które może służyć do zasilania dodatkowych komponentów lub ładowania urządzeń mobilnych. Złącze nie ma funkcji przesyłania danych.

What are the differences between A5 and A5+? Here's a list of A5+ upgrades:

  • advance tuned cabinet with rear-ported waveguide
  • improved thermal management
  • upgraded speaker connector binding posts
  • remote control
  • variable preamp line out
  • RCA and mini-jack inputs
  • new stand-mount 1/4" threaded inserts

How easy is it to set up the A5+?

Unpack and place them where you want and plug in the AC cord. Connect the included speaker wire from the active speaker to the right passive speaker. Then plug in your music (iPhone, iPod, computer, TV, etc.) with the included cables and you're ready to go. Our powered speakers are an all-in-one solution with no extra amps or components needed!

I want to use a turntable with my A5+. Do I need to connect my turntables ground directly to my speakers?

Most turntables with a built-in preamp that we've tested don't seem to need to use a ground connection for good results. If you're using a turntable with an external phono pre, and it has a ground post, you may want to run the ground from your turntable to the phono pre.

Will my current universal remote work with my A5+?

The A5+ is not officially supported by any universal remotes. You can however use a learning remote to copy the signals being sent by the A5+'s remote. Check with the manufacturer of your remote to find out if it supports learning IR codes.

I have an Android phone that includes an IR transmitter. Can I use my phone to control the A5+s?

Yes! We've been notified that the Android App ZappIR supports the A5+s. So if you have a phone with an IR blaster like the HTC One or the Samsung Galaxy S4 you can use the App to raise or lower the volume of your A5+s with your phone! 

The volume control on my A5+ is acting strange, or not responding at all. What do I do?

Try turning your A5+s off and then back on. Since the A5+ volume control is a digital encoder, it uses a microprocessor to attenuate the volume. Like most sensitive electronics if left on for an extended period of time, you may eventually experience unexpected operation. Not to worry though. If this does happen, simply "reboot" your A5+s, and they should go back to working like you'd expect them to.

When I connect a turntable to my A5+, why is the volume is extremely low?

Some turntables do not have a built-in preamp therefore you will need to add an external phono preamp between your turntable and the A5+. Many turntables, however (such as the Music Hall USB-1 or Audio Technica AT-LP120) have a built-in preamp and include a switch on the back for "line" or “phono”. For Audioengine powered speakers select "line".

What floor stands do you recommend for use with the A5+s?

We don't endorse any specific brand or model of floor stands. A couple of companies other customers often mention have models that work well with A5+s are Sanus and Omnimount. The insert is not designed to support the full weight of each speaker though, so we don't recommend using single point mounts with no other support mechanism (like most wall mounts).

Will Audioengine speakers work with a PC or Mac?

Absolutely! Use the computer's headphone output, soundcard, or DAC audio output from your Mac or PC directly into Audioengine speakers and you're good to go. PC, Mac, laptop or any computer.

Can I connect my turntable directly to the A5+ or will it be necessary to purchase a phono preamp?

Some turntables will need a preamp so we recommend to try your turntable without a preamp first to see how it operates.

When will you have products that include Apple's Airplay?

We have been testing the Airplay solution in our labs, and have found that the technology is not really there yet. Airplay is really difficult to set up, and there are many drop-outs during operation, as well as a lot of noise on the line in most cases. Many reviews of the technology mention this as well. 
In the meantime, we can recommend the Apple Airport Express as an alternative; you'd only need one with one set of A5+s or A2s. Just add the Airport Express to any Audioengine speaker system for a great Airplay solution!

Can audio be played through the Audioengine USB charge port?

The USB port on Audioengine 5+ speakers was designed to be for power charging only, but don't despair - we've also included an audio input next to the USB port to plug your music into.

How can such small speakers have so much clean-sounding, deep, tight bass?

One of the reasons Audioengine speakers have such amazing bass in such a small package are the designs of the bass ports on each speaker. These aren't just holes or slots in the cabinets, but specifically shaped openings with tubes designed with precise calculations. The result is incredible low end with minimal audible air turbulence. These are effectively mini-subs built into each speaker, allowing Audioengine speakers to be used with or without a separate subwoofer. It's also worth mentioning that we don't use any enhancement circuits to add fake bass, so what you'll hear is real bass, really low and clean.

Why do I have to plug one speaker into the wall?

Audioengine powered speaker models have a built-in power amplifier in the left speaker so you won't need a stereo receiver or other extra components for power.

What is the difference between powered and active speakers?

There are a few notable differences but both designs function basically the same. “Active” and “powered” speakers refer to speakers with power amplifiers built into either one speaker or both. Audioengine speakers were designed with the power amps in the left speaker to make connections easier as they only require one power cord and all connections are on the same speaker. So it’s time to sell that big old stereo receiver and make the switch!

Will I get buzz from the speakers if I place my iPhone near them?

All Audioengine speakers are video and magnetically-shielded, however "GSM buzz" cannot be blocked by magnetic shielding. What actually causes this is your phone being in 2G or "EDGE" instead of 3G or 4G. For best results when using your phone as a music source, ensure that it's operating on 3G (or 4G).

The headphone jack on my computer is noisy but I want to connect my Audioengine speakers to my laptop. What do I do?

If your computer headphone output doesn't sound so good, check out our wireless adapters and DACs or Google USB audio interface, USB DAC or similar.

I'd like to connect an Apple Airport Express to my A5+ speakers to stream music from my Mac. I also wish to connect the speakers to my TV. Is it possible to have simultaneous connections to the A5+?

Yes, there are 2 audio inputs on the A5+ so connect the Airport Express to one input and the variable output from your TV into the other. Both inputs are "open" or active so you can leave 2 audio sources plugged in at the same time with no need to push any buttons to change sources.

If I connect Audioengine speakers to my iPhone what volume levels should I set on the iPhone and speakers? What is the ideal overall volume level on the music source to get the cleanest distortion-free sound?

Every setup is different but we generally recommend leaving your speaker volume at a fixed volume level, and then using your music source (iPod, computer, TV, etc.) to set and to also control the volume.

It is true that speaker placement makes a difference in sound quality?

There are various theories but rooms and tastes are different so it's tough to specify a correct placement. We suggest you experiment with different locations to see what works for you. As a general rule of thumb for the best sound stage balance, the speakers should be equi-distant from side walls and a different distance from rear walls. For the best bass response on rear-ported speakers (like Audioengine 5+), we recommend keeping a minimum distance of 6-12" between the rear of the speakers and the rear wall. Our front-ported speakers (such as the Audioengine 2 or P4) do not need any rear panel clearance for better bass but we recommend keeping them a few inches from the rear wall for adequate ventilation.

Will the sound be affected if I place the left (active) speaker on the right side and the right speaker on the left?

Swapping speaker placement won't have any negative effect on the soundstage or quality/clarity of the speakers. This will simply give you the reverse of what the artist intended for you to hear (and if you want the correct L/R audio then swap the RCA L and R from the audio source to the speakers).

Can I drill holes in my Audioengine 5+ speaker cabinets and mount them to a wall?

Due to the electronics, cabinet materials and finish it's not a good idea to drill into your speakers. A5+ includes 1/4" threaded inserts on the bottom of each cabinet, which are for securing to floorstands, but here are 3 clamping wall mounts recommended by customers:

  • Vogels VLB200 Speaker Wall Mount
  • Sanus WMS2 Speaker Wall Mount
  • BTECH BT-77 Side Clamping Wall Mount

Can I increase the length or change the speaker wire between each speaker?

Sure. For the best audio performance we've included 12 feet of 16 gauge wire with each powered speaker system but any speaker wire will work. The speaker binding posts on the back of each cabinet will accept bare stranded wire, however if you want to terminate the wires we recommend using spade or pin type terminals.

Is it OK to connect the A5+ to my stereo receiver?

Amplifiers are already built into our active speakers but if you wish to use Audioengine speakers with your A/V receiver or integrated amp, take the line-level "preamp out" from your receiver and connect it to one of the Audioengine inputs.

Do higher power output ratings for audio gear equate to a louder or better sounding system?

Not necessarily. For example, Audioengine speakers and amplifiers are very efficient and designed together as a system so therefore we get more volume output than stereo receivers or amplifiers that might higher wattage or power numbers. Due to this tuning we achieve big sound outputs with less power than required by other systems.

Are two separate speakers really better than one boombox or soundbar?

We're firm believers that two quality speakers will always sound better than multiple speakers together in a single box, regardless of the technology used. There are some decent all-in-one systems that simulate stereo and surround sound from a single source, but most fall short as they can't accurately duplicate a wide sound stage with imaging as complete and rich as Audioengine speakers (yeah, that's bragging a bit but judge for yourself and let us know!).

Can I use a subwoofer with Audioengine powered speakers?

Even though the Audioengine 5+ has a big and tight low end which will easily fill a room and rival floor standing speakers many times their size, you can also connect a powered sub if you wish (or connect Audioengine speakers to your sub's line-level output). You can even connect our wireless W3 adapter to your A5+ powered speakers for a wireless subwoofer.

How do I stream music wirelessly from my computer to Audioengine speakers and other stereo systems?

Our wireless adapters and wireless DACs will do the job. These products allow you to stream wireless audio from any source to our speakers and/or subwoofers. Apple's AirPort Express with Airplay or iTunes is another low-cost option to send music out to multiple speakers in other rooms.

Will Audioengine 5+ work with my Sonos ZP90?

Sure, just connect the SONOS analog audio outputs to the A5+. Use our passive P4 speakers if you have a SONOS CONNECT:AMP.

Why don't Audioengine speakers have a built-in iPod dock?

Audioengine speakers not only work well with iPods and iPod docks, but were also designed to connect easily to all other audio products. We feel that Apple docks do an excellent job so we didn't want to waste resources trying to design and integrate a dock into our speakers only for it to become quickly obsolete.

The speakers in my TV sound terrible! Can I hook up A5+ to my TV instead of buying a surround sound system or soundbar?

Audioengine 5+ and A2 speakers can be easily connected to the audio output on most TV's and will give you a greatly enhanced TV audio experience with a wider soundstage and better imaging than a sound bar.

Can I control the Audioengine 5+ speakers with my TV remote control?

Although many TVs have only one audio output, which typically defaults to "fixed", this setting can be sometimes be changed to "variable" via the on-screen menu. Also try your TV's headphone output or the audio outputs direct from your satellite or cable box. The A5+ includes a remote control, which is an option as well.

If I have my MacBook and TV both connected to the A5+ at the same time, how do my speakers switch between audio sources?

Both inputs are "open" or active, so you can leave 2 audio sources plugged in at the same time with no need to press any buttons!

Do Audioengine speakers come with speaker grills?

Our woofers are made of Kevlar and the tweeter domes are silk. Both of these materials are very robust and can handle quite a bit, therefore we decided against grill covers as they tend to negatively color the sound. Even though our speakers do not have grills they are still cat and kid-friendly!

Can I take my Audioengine speakers to another country with a different voltage?

Yes, just switch the voltage selector on the A5+ rear panel to match the AC power in your country before powering them on. The A2 speakers use a switching power supply so it will automatically convert to the different voltage for you. The power cable is detachable on our powered speakers which makes it convenient to replace the AC plug with a different type if you don't want to use an adapter plug.

Can Audioengine speakers be placed on their sides?

Sure, and if you do so we recommend that you position each so the tweeters are facing outward.

Are these speakers designed for use only with computers or iPods? I would like to connect them to my Panasonic TV and Denon stereo. Is this possible?

Yes, absolutely. All your A/V gear with an RCA or mini-jack 1/8" connector (even a headphone jack) will work great with Audioengine powered speakers.

How would I connect a NuForce Icon amplifier to the A2 or A5 speakers?

Connect the NuForce line out into the A2 (or A5+) audio input. Simple to connect and sounds great!

What if my speakers or subwoofer have a hum or buzzing sound?

Hum or buzz in the speakers is usually caused by something external to the speakers which is coupling noise into the speaker system, either through the AC lines, cordless phone, wireless router, or directly from the source input. A common reason is that the system is set up such that a "ground loop" results. Basically, a ground loop occurs when the AC power grounds and the system signal grounds are not at the same electrical potential. Refer to our online Setup Guides for a list of things to try.

Are the A5+ speakers accurate enough to serve as studio monitors for mixing music tracks?

The A5+ was designed with the user's listening experience in mind and are not marketed as pro audio mixing monitors. However, Audioengine has its roots in the studio monitor world and the A5+ is quite good for this purpose. We've had customers tell us they use these for nearfield listening and music editing with excellent results.

Do Audioengine 5+ speakers have an auto-sleep, idle, or auto-power-off function? And can I leave them on all the time?

The A5+ remote has a SLEEP button, which when pressed puts that A5+ into a low-power model so you can leave the speakers on all the time. Check the A5+ Setup Guide for more information.

What is the AC power cable type for Audioengine 5+ speakers?

We use 2-Pin non-polarized IEC 320-C7 cables, which is common and can be purchased at most electronics stores.

Can I use a power inverter with Audioengine speakers?

Sure, for A2 you will need about 50-60 watts and for A5/A5+ about 100-120W. 

A5+ Troubleshooting Tips

  • Make sure all of your connections are complete and all of your cables are in working order (you will want to swap out some interconnects to test for this).
  • Use as many different input sources as possible to see if the problem persists.
  • Make sure your speaker wire is connected according to proper polarity (Red to Gold, Black to Silver) on both ends.
  • Try using the mini­jack input as well as the RCA input to see how the speakers react. Switch the RCA jacks (red to white and white to red) to see if the issue remains in the same channel.
  • Check to see that any wall outlets or surge protectors are switched to the "On" position and are in working order.
  • If you are using any wireless devices, preamps, or external DACs in line with these speakers, please remove them (temporarily) and connect the source directly to the speakers. If you are using a computer in line with the speakers make sure the volume is up on your media players, internet radio, master control, device volume, etc. and your balance control in centered.
  • If your input source has its own EQ please make sure it is off.
  • Test your speakers in a different location to see if something is causing interference in the current location. Something as simple as a router, cordless / mobile phone, halogen lamps, etc. near the speakers may be causing the issue.

If the problem persists please provide us with the results of your troubleshooting. Please also include the date, purchase location, and serial number for warranty purposes. Please contact your dealer or our distributor in your country for further assistance. 

Laptop Memo - A5+ Review

"I can say that Audioengine produces the best consumer computer speakers available in existence. And that’s saying a lot."

PC Magazine Editor’s Choice - A5+ Award for Best Computer Speaker

"Our current favorite pair of 2.0 PC speakers overall, the Audioengine 5+ delivers stellar sound quality, impressive bass punch, and flexible connection options."


Macworld - A5+ Review

"There’s a reason Audioengine has moved from a couple of guys hauling speakers to reviewers across the country to a respected brand: The company makes good stuff at reasonable prices."

Beatweek - A5+ Award: Best of 2013

"A5+ included in Beatweek's "Speakers + Audio, The best for 2013""

Real Geeks Tech - A5+ Review

"Overall, the speakers are definitely getting a 10/10 & I would highly recommend purchasing them."

Custom PC Review - A5+ Review

"Forget about the MM-1, forget about the Companion 5, forget about the BeoLab 4. If you’re looking for the best pair of all around speakers for your computer, A5+ is it."

Audiostream - A5+ Review

"For $399, yes I'm going there, I'd say that the Audioengine 5+s give you more than you've given Audioengine."

Beatweek - A5+ Review

"...the most natural-sounding stereo experience I’ve ever heard from a small system. The audio is phenomenal."

PC World - Best of 2012

"These superb speakers hold the number 12 position in our Top 100 list."

CNET - A5+ Review

"You're going to be hard-pressed to find a 2.0 system that sounds better for the money and has the 5+'s connectivity options."

Goodsound - A5+ Review

"Emphatically recommended."

Silent PC Review - A5+ Review

"The A5+ represents an uncommonly good value in today's fractured consumer audio marketplace, and a bonafide entry-level high end product."

Positive Feedback - A5+ Review

"This tiny system really trumped some of the larger systems out there costing thousands more."

HDTV Magazine - A5+ Review

"The Audioengine 5+ is an excellent follow-on to original A5. Their rich deep bass and shimmering highs bring new life to your music library."

Playback - A5+ Review

"For $399 the A5+ delivers more than enough music to be satisfying, even if you’re used to listening to far more expensive gear."

Sound+Vision - A5+ Review

"Perhaps the 5+’s most dramatic aural attribute was its stereo imaging."


The Online Photographer - A5+ Review

"Seldom is any product such a safe recommendation. Sure is nice when that happens."

Okay Geek - A5+ Review

"If you have the cash and are looking for something in the audiophile market, then look no further than this premium speaker set."

Audioholics - A5+ Review

"In particular, we loved the dynamics and spatial imaging. These speakers are easy to set up, easy to use, easy on the ears."


2016.10.10 20:15

Szybka wysylka i towar zgodny z opisem. Polecam serdecznie.

2016.10.10 17:38

Bardzo pozytywnie, towar dobrze zabezpieczony. Polecam

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